Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Life's Experiences

Professional life is issue based (people hardly appreciate it) may agree with one person on one issue and completely disagree with the same individual on the next matter...display of blind faith and rigid loyalty in any one at the workplace is smartless and spineless at the same time. Smartless because you are not applying yourselves and letting your mind atrophy; Spineless because perhaps you do not have the guts to retort, refute or simply disagree...for it requires some conviction and courage to face the adversities that would eventually ensue upon disagreeing.

Ogden Nash has something wonderful to say regarding this...

"Sometimes with secret pride I sigh
To think how tolerant am I;
Then wonder which is really mine:
Tolerance or a rubber spine?
Ogden Nash, 'Yes and No', 1938

Ok, so it is heavy duty stuff, but do not let your brain take so much load guys... :)
Btw...I plan to include it in my book. Plagiarists beware:it's my life's experience! Go make some faults of your own! ;)


Rajeev said...

It is funny to see you talking about brain and load at the same time.

Rajeev said...

It is funny to see you talk about brain and load at the same time.

Prof. (Dr.) Sunanda Bharti said...

;o) that you pointed it out, it does seem odd!

Take care