1) managed to lock myself out in the faculty, in the dead of the night (9:30PM) without my cell phone, car keys and worst of all without a penny on me (all locked up in the locker inside the teachers room, the watchman/caretaker nowhere to be seen) to even make a distress call...do not ask me how it happened, it just did: my fault
2) and then, on another day I was to take a special lecture with the help of a PPt and voila! the system bonked!: not my fault ;)
Baba used to say one thing, which just flashed in my memory ...
विद्या जो कंठ, और
रूपया जो अंट...केवल वोही आडे वक्त पर काम आता है!
And it is so very true. One might be having a great collection of books, treatises to flaunt, might have made elaborate notes for teaching...one might be having crores stashed away in lockers and banks, yet all may go in vain and what you have, with you always, something that cannot be taken away might bail you out!
You were great baba...your grand daughter was however, a tubelight! Pardon her ignorance.
Good thing is, she has learned it during this lifetime itself. That is some achievement!
Leaving you with a thought...comments invited
Dear Su,
Could you please translate what is written in Hindi. I am not able to undertand.
Translation, yes...
The knowledge that you have acquired and retained as memory is what is ultimately going to help you out with tricky situations that life puts you into. For instance, if you have prepared a lecture with the help of PPt and the electricity goes off, or worse, the system fails...you would have to rely on what you already know/what you learnt and retained while reading for the lecture or what experience taught you...the books that you stored and kept for ready or later reference might be of no use...so acquire as much knowledge as possible and try and retain it. It is something that would remain with you always...as a ready help. Similarly
If you have saved money and put it all in the bank, nowadays credit cards etc, and you feel that you have secured the future/done adequate savings, you might be in for a big surprise when you find that there is no penny on you for a task as mundane as say paying for a cup of tea, making a phone call, paying the rickshaw wallah...you are rich no doubt, but all that wealth is of no use if it is not worth bailing you out of oddities. It is important to save for a rainy day, yes, but keep some with you for security.
: )
Samjhey dear!
Pearls of wisdom...
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