Part I, Scene I (Chitchat in common room)
"Yeah have been reading English news for the All India Radio for some time now" ...
[xxx] What?!!But why dear, what would you do with all the money?!
[Money? Where does that come from? Everyone is not after $$$ dearie! Otherwise I would not have left the job that paid me almost double of what I take home presently]
"No was just a childhood dream."
[xxx] You dreamt of becoming a Newsreader???!
"Um...well yeah, was never the ambitious kinds you know..."
[What's wrong with dreaming to be a newsreader...if I tell you that I wanted to be a sniper, a jockey, a bus driver, a painter, a potter, you would hit the ceiling perhaps...let me avert a casualty then]
Part I, Scene II
[xxx] Hey, I heard you the other sure is an easy way for some extra bucks; let me know when they are recruiting next. You know I could do better than you. One just has to read the script man!
" sure you can; am new to things, would take some time to figure out how to do it well."
[It's an easy thing to snipe at dearie. If it's done well it looks very simple, but if it's done badly, everyone can tell. But recruitment? Didn't you consider it meanly?]
Part II, Scene I (flashback to training sessions)
[yyy] It is 'in creeeeese', used as a verb dear, and not 'innnn crease', which is a noun. Why do you confuse your verbs with nouns??
"Uh...yes, I would take care the next time"
[Well, because they spell the on earth am I gonna get the difference so quickly...while reading the text in a rapid flow?! Give me a break!]
[yyy] No no are just so staccato. Clearly, you have not been practising, I am so disappointed!
"Just a bit nervous, I guess..."
[Stakatu..wazat? ...Would definitely look it up in dictionary and correct myself]
[yyy] Are you fond of music?
"Sort of..."
[??? where did that come from?]
[yyy] Well, you seem to be, because you are rendering a musical score here...why such sing song?
[Ouch! That was nasty and mean; sob sob...]
Part III, Scene I (On air finally)
"This is All India Radio; the news read by Sunanda Bharti"
[Wow! they are truly music to my ears...: )]
[ZZZ] Shuffle shuffle...rustle rustle (order of the news sheets being changed to accommodate a breaking news) Whisper...Raj Thakery's arrest to go first madam.
"MNS chief Raj Thackeray was today arrested for his alleged involvement in the attack on north Indian candidates appearing for a railway recruitment examination."
[yes, yes I got it, now get out of the studio and let me concentrate on the news @#$%@#$%!]
"Reports form the war front suggest that Sri Lankan military has pushed deeper into LTTE heart land of Kilinochchi and Mullaithivu; fierce encounters took place at Akkarayankulam and Iranamadu yesterday"
[They should be taxed extra for keeping such names for places...@#$%&]
And finally, a word from me directly...yes newsreading might sound easy, but it sounds easy because the newsreader is good, believe me on that!
Imagine yourself in a studio environment, time-out has been signalled and you are on air, live that is. And now you have 5 minutes to read the news, which the world is ready to tune in to...someone whispers a new direction in your ear, or simply the editor enters the studio to put a new sheet of paper carrying a new news piece...something which you did not get time to read through and rehearse before...try and read something out loud while someone whispers something in your ear. You mustn't stop, pause or react, yet you must understand what's being said.
it is anything but easy...
"You need to be a swan", says Anna Worcester, UK and I need to be cool, calm and in control on the surface, with your brain working overtime in order to keep to time, sound authoritative, fluent, give correct pauses and emphasis, use correct intonation and modulation... and ofcourse understand what you're talking about.
I have just started and I feel it's fun once you get the hang of it, and provided you are passionate enough.
Wish me luck! :)
Blaze new trails, as the name suggests, is all about radical, revolutionary, reformative and rebellious ideas that tend to go unsung for they are considered much ahead of their times. I plan to put on it any issue that agitates my mind. : ) ONLY ‘Thinkers and Doers’ (others are free to enjoy their vegetative existence) are welcome to share their grey matter.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
दिवाली की बहुत बहुत शुभकामनाएं

दोस्तों, पता नहीं आप लोगों को ये कविता याद है कि नहीं...दूसरी या तीसरी कक्षा मैं पढ़ी ये प्यारी सी पंक्तियाँ, स्मृति मैं ज्यों आयीं तो चेहरे पर मुस्कान तो बिखेर गई, साथ ही ये एहसास भी करा गई कि दीपो का ये त्यौहार अब उतना सरल रहा नहीं। पटाखों के शोर मैं इसका औचित्य कहीं खो सा गया है...खैर, ये समय है खुशियाँ मनाने का...तो आशा है कि आप कि यह दिवाली आप सब के लिए खुशिओं कि सौगात ले कर आए...
दीप जलाओ दीप जलाओ
आज दिवाली रे
खुशी खुशी सब हंसते आओ
आज दिवाली रे
आज दिवाली रे
नए नए मैं कपड़े पहनू
खाऊन खूब मिठाई
हाथ जोड़ कर पूजा कर लूँ
आज दिवाली आई
मैं तो लूँगा खील खिलोने
तुम भी लेना भाई
फुल्झादियाँ अब खूब जलाओ
आज दिवाली रे
आज दुकाने खूब सजी हैं
घर भी जगमग जगमग करते
सुंदर सुंदर दीप जले हैं
कितने अच्छे लगते
दीप जलाओ दीप जलाओ
आज दिवाली रे
नाचो गाओ खुशी मनाओ
आज दिवाली रे
Sunday, October 19, 2008
My Circle Has a Few Corners

Just bumped into this phrase while watching a street play and it clinged to my conscience.
Life comes with a geometrical shape...a circle. My circle has a few corners :) and I am thankful for that! Because of two reasons: one, they are 'few' ...for I know many people whose life is brimming with complexity and negativity. Do not know how they live to carry so much burden!
Secondly, I am thankful that they are there...those edges keep needling me into not repeating the mistakes I committed. After all, to make a mistake is not a mistake, to repeat one, is.
Understanding the circular nature of this life, we should always be ready for two does come a full circle...and secondly, since it is a circle, we are bound to meet, even those we would rather not!
Okay, I know it is rather heavy stuff. :)) ...just a thought ...take is lightly. A pinch of salt may help digestion :))
Enjoy and celebrate life!
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