I have nothing strong against them but don't exactly like them either! Your colours cannot lure me sweety...you remain a BUG! : p

About its attraction for black, I will tell you in a moment.
It is one of the most unwanted of all creatures...poor thing. Never seen any bird peck at it nor any chamaleon roll out its tongue for it...so I assume its toxic for their tongues or tummy or simply tasteless.
Ok, before you pour out your sympathy for the guy, I should let you know what about it vexes me...
Imagine yourselves ready to leave for a party...you have taken pains and pins to set your hair. Muwah...you are looking great! Suddenly...zip-zap-zzzzzzzzzzzzooooooooooooooooom and there comes that insect like a guided missle into your hairdo. Remember, black attracts it! So, what do you do? Well, what you do is not up to you...you are compelled to do a crazy waltz as if you were on a hotplate. You throw your limbs in all possible directions to get it out and out it gets but only after it has had your adrenaline touch that limit!
The regularity with which such episodes have happened with me makes me doubt the bugs intentions actually...I am half convinced that they were not coincidences. The bug is not witless and the breed has something against me for sure! Was I Paul Herman in my past life?
**The credit for these wonderful snaps goes to Kunal, my brother.