Sunday, June 13, 2010

Remember this one? -I love the moral it gives

शक्ति और शमा
रामधारी सिंह दिनकर

क्षमा, दया, तप, त्याग, मनोबल
सबका लिया सहारा
पर नर व्याघ सुयोधन तुमसे
कहो कहाँ कब हारा?

क्षमाशील हो ॠपु-सक्षम
तुम हुए विनीत जितना ही
दुष्ट कौरवों ने तुमको
कायर समझा उतना ही

अत्याचार सहन करने का
कुफल यही होता है
पौरुष का आतंक मनुज
कोमल होकर खोता है

क्षमा शोभती उस भुजंग को
जिसके पास गरल हो
उसका क्या जो दंतहीन
विशराहित विनीत सरल हो
I Love this one in bold...

तीन दिवस तक पंथ मांगते
रघुपति सिन्धु किनारे
बैठे पढते रहे छंद
अनुनय के प्यारे प्यारे

उत्तर में जब एक नाद भी
उठा नहीं सागर से
उठी अधीर धधक पौरुष की
आग राम के शर से

सिन्धु देह धर त्राहि-त्राहि
करता आ गिरा शरण में
चरण पूज दासता ग्र्र्हन की
बंधा मूढ़ बंधन में

सच पूछो तो शर में ही
बस्ती है दीप्ति विनय की
संधिवचन संपूज्य उसीका
जिसमे शक्ति विजय की

सहनशीलता, क्षमा, दया को
तभी पूजता जग है
बल का दर्प चमकता उसके
पीछे जब जगमग

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Read Something Wonderful on Silence

"Sticks and stones are hard on bones, aimed with angry art; words can sting like anything, but Silence Breaks the Heart. "
-- Phyllis McGinley

Those who are familiar with this blog would have read the post titled 'The Golden Virtue', written ages ago. Recently, I read this wonderful quotation which reminded me of the same... its postscript rather.

It is so true that silence of a loved one leaves you feeling wretched, guilty and miserable. It is the penultimate tactic under emotional blackmail/violence.
Comments invited...

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Irrational Feelings

There are times when worrying is therapeutic and this happens only in females...times when any attempt, more so insistent attempts at trying to pacify you and settle your anxieties, irritate you no end-because worrying is the only thing you want to do. It is different from wallowing in self is not even a passing phase but something lesser than that- a bubble of emotion with just a 'while' as the lifespan.

It is illogical and emotional and yet the truth. Since I feel it is a typically female experience-females being the more expressly emotional part of humanity, homemakers and primary carers in a family, I think what I mean would be better understood by married women.

God! On second reading, if the intensity of and with which I have written this piece is understood by even one other person, s/he would be deserve a medallion. : )

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Using Cuss Words

Using profanities in language suggests a limited vocabulary, reflects on an indecent mind and a perverse upbringing, in consequence to which one feels inhibited to express oneself without relying on expletives.

Indiscriminate and often mindless use of abusive words set me thinking today ...

Take no tension, its just a thought. :))

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Finally Chauffer driven...

One of the many perks of being driven around is that you get ample time to sit back and read. Managed to complete 'Two States' by Chetan Bhagat...nice simple read (as against a great piece of literary work) with just the right dose of witty comments at the right places. And yes, it is a perfect bollywood movie plot again. A cute narrative of what it takes sometimes to convince ones parents in the Indian inter-caste marriage scenario...good one!