तुलसी भरोसे राम के निर्भय हो कर सोये
अनहोनी होती नहीं...होनी हो सो होए...
Faith always moves and intrigues me at the same time.
Belief or 'विश्वास' as one may put in Hindi...वोह अँधा ही होता है. Either it is there, in absolute; or absent abolutely. Any mediocrity here spells pretence, ostentation. Ramakrishna said this eons ago and I understand a new facet of it everytime I see people giving unto the Supreme...with weepy eyes,hands folded or raised in prayer before their God; my God; their hearts full of hope and mind full of conviction that everything would be OK...that this too will pass. So complete must be this feeling of 'faith'...intriguing indeed.
Just random thoughts stirred by the doha...