So, this is the story of Mickey…only that it is not a mouse but a cat--a huge and old Tom cat that has started frequenting my place. All that he wants is milk…those old jaws cannot eat anything solid it seems.
What else is special about Mickey, apart from the misnomer name…I will tell you in a moment. Meanwhile you enjoy this other family...
Yes...a kitty and her kittus...Jowar and Bajra
The mother (who has white patches) is a killer of the first order, she not only devoured the sparrow chicks that were in a nest above my window cooler, but ate the parents as well. The kittens, Jowar and Bajra [and now don’t ask me the reason for such apparently weird christening…creativity should not be stifled through requirement of justification/s : ))] are dumb though.
Get the complete picture now?
The mother, it seems tunes in to ‘Meow 104.8’ every day and so is a liberated feline…what else can explain her prolonged absence from the scene when her kittens are yet to begin hunting independently.
Family reunion : )...But...uh-oh the Kitty gotta go!
So while the ‘kitty’ parties, our Kitta (Mickey) takes care of the two really mischievous ‘kittus’! Yes, that is what makes Mickey special…role reversal amongst animals…do we have a message for Indian men here! : ))